Friday, August 01, 2008

A nice surprise....

After almost two months away and a with a pretty serious typhoon hitting while I was gone, I decided to check out the trail this morning....

Well the carefully planned drainage system held up pretty well with almost no damage whatsoever.

As a bonus the weather here is just beautiful at the moment...sunny days and clear skies...

I'll be up the mountain on my road bike this afternoon.

About 1000mts higher than this point..

nice views on rock trail final 

Despite all the beauty in the world and the exceptionally good karma in my life right now...someone decided to slightly upset my day by leaving this on the trail...

poo on trail 

This isn't the first time either. I've been left quite a few 'presents' while building the trail.

It was in full view of the trail entrance as well (you can see the road just at the top of this picture)

Riders BEWARE!

poo 2

I'm not sure if this was a strategic placement to avoid being seen or to make sure that everyone else sees it!

All I can think of is that it must be some ancient Chinese custom...

"Take crap on trail, bring very good luck!"

I think I should get one of these bad boys installed....

loo on inca trail

I took this photo while trekking in the Andes'...

It was a big hole dug in the ground surrounded by a nice plastic outhouse...perfect for my trail...

Just got to work out how I get it shipped from Peru to Taiwan..

In the meantime....if I catch whose doing it I will tie them to a tree and leave them there until they look like this...

dead dude in glass


Anonymous said...

Did you really have to upload a high-res photo of the poo? Uurgh.

Anonymous said...

hey man couldn't hold the turtle in any longer and so dumped on your track as I was running it. It's too pussy - my grandma nails it on her mobility scooter mate.

Ben said...

You converted me Fungus,

I have been off the motos and racing a Giant Trance X0 for the past six months with a cycle X and a DH soon on the way.

see you on the trails (if you ever come to Brisbane Australia)