Yes I know he looks like Sideshow Bob.
His hair is a side effect of his mixed Fijian, New Zealand, English (and god knows what else) heritage.

You should see him next to his Grandmother, Auntie and Father. It's like the live action version of the Hair Bear Bunch!

For those of you who are not in the know, Steve Peat is the World Champion Downhill Mountain biker (for the third time)......yes and he's British....

This however, is beside the point. The point is that here he is proudly showing the wounds incurred from his first cycling accident (split lip, grazed knuckles)
He was "just riding along"on his BMX....while attempting a jump....and crashed head first into a wall.
Connor's Dad wants him to grow up to be the next Johnny Wilkinson.

Either this or his All Black equivalent, but seeing as England are the current world Rugby champions I can't think of anyone right now.....
So I reckon his Dad has got it wrong, I reckon that a career in Rugby is a complete waste of his obvious riding skills. I reckon he has a chance of being the next Steve Peat.

Photo's courtesy of
Check out http://www.stevepeat.com/ for more on Peaty.
There are a number of incorrect facts in this piece of writing.
1. We may have some of the curliest hair this side of Melanesia but millions around the world would pay to have hair like this.
2. Secondly, my brother would never, ever want his son to be like any English rugby player. Richie McCaw maybe.....Dan Carter definitely....but Jonny one-World-Cup-wonder Wilkinson.....never!
3. England might have won the World Cup THREE YEARS AGO but who is the current ranked number one rugby team in the world? You guys are rubbish! All Blacks all the way. Eat our dust you colonialists!
4. Steve who??
5. You knew the rugby comments would make me bite, didnt you?
Shoe Diva x
Another correction to the so called facts ..... Whilst Steve Peat is a champion as far as I know it was an Australian who won the World Champiionships 2006 (hosted in NZ by the way). Did SP even make the podium for the World Champioinships?
I think you have the pouncy world cup rides in Europe mixed up with the World Champioinships Groovin....
RSD my man.
OK lets get ths straight. Steve is UCI World Champion. He got the most points for the entire UCI world downhill series. He won it in 2006 and two other years, I don't think they were consecutive years but it can be looked up on the interweb.
There is another Wolrd Champ title given at the "World's" This is a one off race in which the winner is crowned the champion and gets to wear the rainbow jersey. Sam Hill won this in NZ this year. I think the frenchman Fabien Barrel won it in 2004 and the South African, Steve Minnar won it 2005. Not 100% sure but again can be looked up on the web.
For my money, being consistent in a series of races is far harder than winning just one, but they are both worthy titles and fair play should be given to anyone (Australian or otherwise) who manages to win at one of this level.
Fiar play...bloody australians are sore winners as much as they are sore losers....roll on the rugby world cup and the All Blacks giving it to the poms and the ozzies.
you crazy englishman have you ever ridden in thetford forest norfolk england in the pouring rain in 2 degs lately thought I saw you there XX
Yup, that was me!
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