Not only that, but the pilot was German! What if I just happened to accidentaly mention the war and in a sea of rage he forced me to eat pickled cabbage, decided to bomb London or even.....gasp! told a joke?
Fortunately my Pilot, Marc is more Australian than German and there is a distinct lack of Stingrays at 1000 ft in the air.
Also, despite their resemblance to a meccano set micro lights have a good safety record, at least that's what is says on the internet. Plus our plane had a parachute, radio, gps and a nice colour scheme, what could go wrong?

So without even a drop of Absinthe in my blood stream up I went...

Mt Arayat in the distance.

Coming in to land.
The photo's probably don't do it justice but it was an amazing experience. Marc turned out to be an excellent pilot and I felt very safe with him at the joystick..
It's also only costs around US1000 to become a solo pilot here in the Philippines, and the flying club is right next to some rather good mountain biking.
I'm sure I saw some old scaffolding lying around near our office......
You forget to mention the smell of something brown and stinky that should accompany those pics of you coming in to land......
Kidding - you did so well. Good on you x
The Foggies say that we did not spend a fortune on your education to think you are a bird XXXXXXXXX
...ok... so if the safety record is soo friggin' good, how come you have to bring a parachute???
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