Now is this because : 1, He decided to wash it. 2, After Simons scare he decided to check it. Or 3, As Simon is getitng a new bike he can't be left out and also wants a new frame.
Also, Trek have offered to replace Simon's frame, completely free of charge. How's that for service? I wonder if Santa Cruz will offer a new frame?
1 comment:
Well the truth was it was #1 of your list. We'd been on recce on saturday (shhh... secret location) and it was *incredibly* muddy along one stretch of freshly logged trail. The tyres had so much thick, stucky mud adding to their width that the bike could stand on it's own!
So, cleaning was required - something I rarely do. It was at that point that I noticed the discolouration in the lacquer, a closer look revealed the crack.
Anyway I rode it regardless on the bash on sunday. Looking down at it, you could see the crack flex open with each stroke of the pedals! It survived the ride but propagated a little further. Time for retirement...
By the way, that microlight would be a real help for recces, do you think it would reach KL & could we borrow it (& the pilot!) for a weekend?!
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