Friday, August 04, 2006

Girls like it dirty!

I was in Singapore last week and just downloaded photo's that I took with my phone while there. I forgot I had this one and it made me laugh.

This is a picture of my brother in law, Blando and his car.

Why is this funny? Because this must be the filthiest car in the whole of Singapore. Anyone who has lived or been there couldn't help but notice that most cars are new and are kept immaculate.

This is due to a wonderful thing called "COE" which licenses cars for just 10 years and makes them hugely expensive.

To see a car in this state on Singapore roads is a wonderful thing and reinforces my faith in humanity. I hope he never cleans it. Blando is a complete stud and extraordinarily popular with the "ladies", especially in a certain bar called Crazy Horse.

And the punchline just goes to prove that girls like it dirty!....

While I'm here, I thought I would throw this one in as well.

This is another good friend in Singapore, Stinky Diver, who used to be an avid mountain biker, but for some reason (maybe coz he's a bit crap) has exiled himself by becoming A...cough...runner.....

Obviously he feels he needs to wear this around me as I may be tempted to analyse what the hell is going on inside his head!

1 comment:

Fiwibabe said...

Why am I not surprised that Calv's car is dirty - trust me, he won't clean it. What is up with Stinky Diver's new look? Is he no longer eating?

Oh yeah.....he must have lost all those muscles real mountain bikers have :-)