Friday, August 18, 2006

Crazy Philippines! Part 1

The Philippines is a crazy place. I love it....

I'm not intellectual or talented enough to analyse it all and put it down in words. So instead I'm going to start a series of photo's showing some of the crazy stuff that I see on a day to day basis.

This is the first one of these.

This is a photo taken from my (new) car on the way to a shopping mall with the lovely Milly. Traffic is pretty bad in Manila and cars crawl along the road, pollution is terrible (but better than I remember it from last time I lived here)

The city has also been cleaned up quite a lot and there is now a promenade along Manila Bay with coffee shops and bars along it.

The government have spent a lot of money on this and the area, at least in Manila terms, it is very nice now.

The lady in the photo is one of many who are gainfully employed to keep this area clean and manicured. You can't really see it from this photo but she is cutting the grass......with nail scissors......

After this I guess she gets on her broom and flies back to Hogwarts.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Philippines seems like a wonderful country. Tough, proud yet charming and humble. Reminds me of Thailand of sorts. I think you made a wise choice of relocating there :) Thanks for the post!