Anyone that has ever been on top of a tall building with me (I can think of at least three people who read this blog)...will know that I am scared of heights...
Therefore, me doing this would seem a bit out of character, and maybe a bit stupid....
And they would be right...this is one of the most terrifying things I have ever done...
Although it looks like I have just suddenly developed phenomenal rock climbing skills I am in fact on a thing called a via Ferrata, translated as Iron Road they were originally developed to transport troops across mountains.
In a nutshell they are iron runs placed in the rock with safety lines that you clip yourself to.
Despite the look on my face and the apparent risk, I have been reliably informed that I was perfectly safe...well I am still alive...
So this is the first time that I have ever done anything like this, and the course was pretty hard by French standards (a TD for those interested in such things)
I needed some time to get into the flow, it was a bit daunting (well terrifying actually) at first. After a while though I forgot about the height, and the danger and just concentrated on where to put my hands and feet. I got completely focused and then a strange thing happened...I started to enjoy it...
So much so that I would probably even do it again. Its a great way to experience the thrill of climbing without any technical knowledge..
There are 20 or so of these things within a few minutes drive of Alpsun, another reason to visit...
Mmmm maybe I shouldn't have given them that was Alpsun Pete who suggested this madness in the first place...maybe he is exposing me to all this dangerous stuff because he wants to nick my bike....better keep an eye on him from now on....
Hi Dave many congratulations on passing your course. The photos are awsome!! Knowing you are scared of heights you have done realy well!! We are proud of you!! lOVE YOU LOTS. The Old Foggies.
My my what brave BIG BOYS you are!
Dude, 'climbing' a ladder is not CLIMBING!! And if there is a next time, leave your fancy dancing shoes at home! When you come to Vancouver, I'll take you climbing in Squamish on the Chief. There are no ladders there.
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