However, today I was lucky enough to ride an un-ridden trail with the two Pete's, which seemed to have a few more than 51 switch backs...
I reckon, at a rough estimate there were about....say....4000 of them....most of which had a plummet to certain death if you got them wrong...
We started at about 1600mt (Me and Alpsun Pete drove up, while OTC Pete rode up, after having already been out riding for three hours, yes the man is a machine)
We rode up to 2000mt, almost all on demanding (and sometimes slippery) single-track. Then we descended down to 1100 meters
...the total ride was a total distance of 13km....
I believe the technical term for this goes beyond "bloody steep" to "bloody stupid"
Ive ridden switchbacks before, but not like this: tight, steep, with a high level of exposure...and relentless...
At first I was scared, very scared and even walked the first section (while the 2 Pete's just barreled through) but after a few thousand switch backs you can;t help but get the technique down and they almost became fun...I even attempted a few endo turns on them.
The weather was awful, it rained the whole day which limited the photo opportunities...but in a week of awesome riding, today was probably the best....I'm definitely gonna try and ride it again before I leave...
"A classic" as Alpsun Pete said....and he is the lucky bastard that has these trails on his doorstep...
What's jealous in French?
I believe the word is "jaloux" but is used differently in different contexts. If you want to say "I am jealous you live in France" you could say "Je suis jaloux sur tu habite en France"........I think. You use 'de' instead of 'sur' in front of infinitive - what is an infinitive??
Dunno, I only know how to make do you make a hormone? Don't pay her...
My name is Nag , a television producer working from Singapore, i just happen to read your blog , its very interesting!. I'm currently working on a 8-part television series called Global exapts for a local television channel. It aims to examine and track the lives and livelihood of expatriates who choose to work, live and play in Asia. i would like to feature you in our series. we would like you to share your Expat experience what kind of a cultural shock you had? like how you cope ? what are the things you like about Philipines? how different is life away from home etc.
if you are interested pls. drop a me line
we will take it from there. my email id is
At last! Fame beckons...
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