Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ho Hum...Another day in Paradise

So today was another difficult day here in paradise...

First of all I had to get up and look out the window to make sure I wasn't dreaming...Yup still here in the Land of "Le Tour"

After breakfast (Saucisse Herb de Provence un Ouef) I had to ride myself up another mountain that boasted perfect single track in a beautiful setting. And then, I had to ride even more of it all the way down again!

I even managed to teach the invisible man how to take a photo....

And to add insult to injury, this monstrosity greeted me at the bottom...

Boy it was a tough day, i hope that you are feeling sorry for me!


Fat Lad said...

yeah.... I feel your pain!

Fiwibabe said...

Cool pix! Send your parents the link to your blog again so they can check out your progress x x