We had a great experience. Despite the beach looking like the Filipino version of Blackpool at times....
If you go to her blog... http://musingsofashoediva.blogspot.com/ ...you'll see pretty pictures of some (empty) beaches, some very old church's, and shots of the places we stayed. There are also a few photo's of me looking suitably impressed with the 400000000000000 (how many zero's in a zillion?) degree heat that we had to endure. If you look really closely you will notice that in both photo's I'm smiling...on the inside...
However, what she failed to mention was the food.
Yes, I know I've already covered this on the Brown Food Theory post, but this story simply must be told.
This is what was served for breakfast during our stay...
Yup, this is breakfast. Consisting of 1, Dried Fish bones and 2, Seaweed.
This apparently is "authentic" Illocano food. For some strange reason not many people eat it outside of the region. Huh...go figure?
And it gets better!
For dinner the night before we were served this...
Which looks kinda harmless right? Maybe it could be bean sprouts? Maybe some type of rice?
Nope, its Ants Eggs!
Yup, open up those little white poddy things and inside is a 'ickle lickle baby ant.
For those of you wondering, no it didn't taste like chicken!
After 8 years in Asia I've eaten some strange things. Snake...Alligator...Jelly Fish...McDonald's Rice Burger! but this really takes the biscuit...actually a biscuit would've been kinda nice...
Still, there was one consolation, and of course it came in a bottle.
Ahhh....Mango Rum....Drink enough of this and Illocano fare begins to taste like food fit for a God.
And we all know what God spelled backwards is right?
Ok, ok, I admit the food was weird. But I agree - the Mango Rum Liquer was GOOOOOODDDDD!
Yes, I know what God spells backwards. But our dog would have eaten EVERYTHING!
All 41 kilo's of her.....bless x
For having lived and practically grew up 30 years of my life, I'm now convinced that I haven't eaten every (weird) dish back there in my country. Well, I haven't travelled a lot outside of Metro Manila and Cavite (chuckle).
It surprises me that the Philippines is already serving ant egg dishes! I always thought balut is already our country's food icon of utter yucky food.
Nice blog, Fungus.
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