The last big news was that Dirka Dirka came over from Malaysia before he returned to sunny South Africa. We had a great time even if he did arrive on the tail end of a typhoon.
We spent the weekend here……
Which is Puerto Galera, or PG as its known localy, a short 2 hour drive and 45 minute boat ride from Manila. It’s not a bad place .
I first went there back in 1999 when I was living in Hong Kong. I studies for both my PADI advanced and rescue divers’ qualification there. Its beend developed quite a lot since I first visited, but it still has pristine beaches and unpolluted sea.

Theres also lots of other fun stuff to do besides scuba diving.
Such as drinking........
Shooting guns…
This one in fact…..
Which as you can see the equivalent of a childs bike with pink handlebar tassles, stabilisers and a shopping basket.
Dirk’s reasoning had something to do with it having too many gears. I didn’t buy this excuse, I mean his mountain bike has 18 gears, c’mon!
Despite this we had a good day exploring, this waterfall one of the highlights.
We also got some scuba diving in, because of the typhoon the visibility was a bit messed up but it was still pretty good there was a huge leatherback turtle hiding under one of the wrecks.
Unfortunatley I couldn't take any photos coz my telephone (all photo's on this blog are taken with a Nokia N90) underwater.
However, my buddy Phil takes a mean underwater photo’s so I’ve just pinched one of his.
This is what is looked like down there, honest guv…

Go here for more great photos from Phil.
You can imagine that after 4 days of this we got a bit bored so went back to Manila to do some mountain biking.
Thanks for sharing these photos! It is nice to see that you did do other things besides drink Jaegermeister.....
Nice pics! ;-)
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