At first I thought he was 'just riding along' but here is his account of the incident
'Actually I was hammering down bottom half of 2 k. I say hammering because we've got it flowing really well with drainage and all. This is a true story - I was riding thinking "I just love this bike. It is perfect for me. I'll be riding this when I'm 100". I've converted back to 9 speed (only one chain ring on the front) and the bike is clean with no extra crap on it to have to fix. And it is quiet as a Kiara Rat Snake as well. It also doesn't weight that much any more.Then I hit a bump and thought "better wind up my rebound a couple of clicks (I'm getting a little fat)" . Then hit another bump fully seated and CRACK. Initially I thought "OK its the seat post - its the only thing I haven't replaced)"............. Not so lucky.'
The big guy upstairs was smiling on me though, because I was heading up to Twin Peaks to spank those new jumps again that the downhill boys have made for us. Of course I never saw any cracks spreading as you'd have to wash off the dirt to see them.
He used two sticks rammed into the frame in order to get home.
- well you can't walk out of the jungle can you......
He reckons he's gonna get a replacement under warranty..... yeah right!
Despite this Simon goes on the say....
Its a shame 'cause the bike is perfect for me to ride at Kiara. A good trail bike.
So Trek get the thumbs up from Simon, which is a big deal coz he's a shit hot rider.
However, the really, really important question is, what bike does he buy now?
Another reason why MTB is better than road. All the flora & fauna at your disposal for emergency repairs.
good blog...can,i joint you.
Glad that didnt happen to you! Enjoy catching up with your happenings and seeing Philipines thru your eyes.
You're a busy boy!
Do you & your wife communicate by speech also? Black on the out & inside??? Am I colour blind?
Look forward to next episode!
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